[转载]Krishnamuthi – 你真应该忘掉冥想这个词




You should really forget the word meditation. That word has been corrupted. The ordinary meaning of that word – to ponder over, to consider, to think about – is rather trivial and ordinary. If you want to understand the nature of meditation you should really forget the word because you cannot possibly measure with words that which is not measurable, that which is beyond all measure. No words can convey it, nor any systems, modes of thought, practice or discipline. Meditation – or rather if we could find another word which has not been so mutilated, made so ordinary, corrupt, which has become the means of earning a great deal of money – if you can put aside the word, then you begin quietly and gently to feel a movement that is not of time. Again, the word movement implies time – what is meant is a movement that has no beginning or end. A movement in the sense of a wave: wave upon wave, starting from nowhere and with no beach to crash upon. It is an endless wave. Time, however slow it is, is rather tiresome. Time means growth, evolution, to become, to achieve, to learn, to change. And time is not the way of that which lies far beyond the word meditation. Time has nothing to do with it. Time is the action of will, of desire, and desire cannot in any way – it lies far beyond the word meditation. 

你真应该忘掉冥想这个词,它被败坏了。这个词通常的含义是指冥思苦想、思索、考 虑,这种含义是相当琐碎而普通的。如果你想理解冥想的本质,你就应该把这个词完全忘掉,因为你不可能用语言来衡量无法衡量的东西,超越一切量度的东西。没 有语言能传达它的含义,任何体系、思维模式、训练以及戒律都无法传达它的含义。冥想,或者如果我们能找到另一个没有变得那么残缺、庸常、腐败的词来代替它 的话——这个词甚至变成了赚取大量金钱的工具——如果你能把这个词放在一边,那么你就能够开始安静地、轻轻地感知一种不属于时间的运动。运动这个词也意味 着时间,而上面所说的是一种没有开始也没有结束的运动,像海浪一样的运动:一波接着一波,没有来处也没有可以撞击的海滩,那是一种无尽的波浪。时间,不管 多么缓慢,都是非常令人厌烦的。时间意味着生长、进化、变成、到达、学习和改变。而时间不是远远超越了冥想这个词的事物的运行方式,时间与它无关。时间是 意志力的行动,是欲望的行动,而欲望无论如何都无法企及那种运动——它远远超越了冥想这个词。


Here, sitting on that rock, with the blue sky – it is astonishingly blue – the air is so pure, unpolluted. Far beyond this range is the desert. You can see it, miles of it. It is really a timeless perception of that which is. It is only that perception which can say it is. 



You sat there watching for what seemed many days, many years, many centuries. As the sun was going down to the sea you made your way down to the valley and everything around you was alight, that blade of grass, that sumac, the towering eucalyptus and the flowering earth. It took time to come down as it had taken time to go up. But that which has no time cannot be measured by words. And meditation is only a word. The roots of heaven are in deep abiding silence. 

你坐在那儿看着,好像很多 天,很多年,很多世纪就这么过去了。当太阳落向大海,你开始朝山谷走下去,你周围的一切都被点亮了,草的叶片、漆树、高大的桉树和开满鲜花的大地。下山需 要花些时间,因为上山也花了不少时间。但是没有时间的那个东西是无法用语言衡量的。冥想只是一个词。极乐的根源在深切持久的寂静里。


Krishnamurti to Himself, 11th March 1983
